
Bring the POWER of mindfulness to your classroom or daycare.

At Little Zen Yogis, we believe in the immense benefits of yoga for children. Our mission is to introduce the practice of yoga to schools in Ithaca, NY, creating a nurturing environment where children can develop mindfulness, physical well-being, and emotional balance.

Our Services

Our Program Options

During School Movement Time

We seamlessly integrate yoga into your school's movement time, providing a structured and engaging experience for children. Our certified instructors visit your school during regular hours, infusing yoga into their daily routines.

After School Program

Enhance your existing afterschool program with our specialized yoga classes. Our skilled instructors lead students through age-appropriate yoga sessions that promote relaxation, focus, and self-awareness.

choose one of our

Little Zen Yogi Programs

We understand that every school has different financial considerations. Please reach out to us to discuss pricing and payment arrangements that work best for your school.

We adapt the program based on the age group and abilities of the children, ensuring that it remains fun, and engaging.

Here are some elements we include in the program

Our Program

  • Start each session with a brief introduction, explaining the benefits of yoga and setting a positive and inclusive atmosphere.
  • Begin with a fun warm-up routine that includes gentle stretching and loosening exercises to prepare their bodies for the practice.
  • Teach a variety of basic yoga poses suitable for kids, such as Mountain Pose, Tree Pose, Downward Dog, Cat-Cow Pose, Child’s Pose, and Cobra Pose.
  • Break down each pose step-by-step, allowing the children to practice and become familiar with the correct alignment and breathing techniques.
  • Introduce simple breathing exercises like “balloon breath” or “bunny breath” to help children focus and calm their minds.
  • Teach relaxation techniques, such as guided visualizations or progressive muscle relaxation, to help them wind down and release any tension.
  • Incorporate partner or group yoga poses and activities to encourage teamwork, cooperation, and social interaction among the children.
  • Examples include partner tree pose, group circle poses, or mirror exercises where one child mimics the movements of another.
  • Include interactive games that combine yoga poses and movements, making the sessions engaging and enjoyable.
  • For instance, you can create a yoga obstacle course, yoga relays, or a yoga-themed scavenger hunt.
  • Teach children mindfulness techniques to help them develop awareness of their thoughts, emotions, and sensations.
  • Introduce guided meditation or visualization exercises to promote relaxation and inner calm.

Allow children to express themselves through yoga-inspired art activities, such as drawing or coloring mandalas, or creating yoga-themed crafts.

  • End each session with a calming cool-down period, including gentle stretches and a relaxation exercise.
  • Conclude the program by acknowledging the children’s efforts, providing positive reinforcement, and expressing gratitude for their participation.

Lets Bring Little Zen Yogis to your classroom or daycare

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